Aquamarine & Diamond Ring
A 60th birthday gift using the client’s family heirlooms to combine into this special piece where an Aquamarine takes centre stage. The name “aquamarine” is derived from two Latin words: aqua, meaning “water,” and marina, meaning “of the sea.” It makes the wearer unconquerable and amiable, and also quickens the intellect. March’s birthstone was also thought to enhance the happiness of marriages.
Recycling all of the clients own gold & diamonds really made this a very special piece - it even included a ring from her 18th birthday & handed down to her by her great grandmother. The piece was designed with simple construction using gentle texture on the ring’s surface to give a feel that the ring had already lived a previous life and which suited the client’s ‘hands on’ lifestyle - truly one of Davina’s favourite projects!
The client's selection of sentimental rings.
The Aquamarine chosen by the client sourced by Davina.
Design ideas
The final piece!